How To Be A Best Friend

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Being a best friend requires care and attention. Some people miss the basics! 15 pointers from Basil Simon to keep you on course…

A good friend will….. 

  1. Work to increase your happiness quota.
  2. Entertain you.
  3. Share with you the good things they find in life, avoiding excessive negativity and stress.
  4. Check your mental health and monitor your well being.
  5. Support you with your concerns and help fix this if possible.
  6. Take time to understand and respect your interests, either take inspiration or participate in them.
  7. Discover your dreams, decide if they can collaborate and share the adventure!
  8. Listen to whatever is on your mind right now! React positively!
  9. Discover your world and search out common interests.
  10. Maintain good communication.
  11. Donate time and energy to be practically helpful without expecting reward.
  12. Make you feel good about yourself!
  13. Tolerate your faults and differences.
  14. Support you and celebrate your good side to others
  15. Remain your best friend until a) you demonstrate a serious reason for them to withdraw that commitment, or..b) one of you checks out of hotel Earth.

Of course it is not always possible to be the perfect best friend.

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We all make mistakes and even best friends fall out occasionally. The important thing is to always remember that friendship is much more valuable than making a point! Some issues can be more complicated, but if we remain determined to prioritise friendship above all else then that commitment can deliver positive resolution every time! Tolerating differences, allowing for faults & mistakes, understanding and accepting how people are constructed mentally is all a part of this. None of us are perfect that is why we sometimes take offence. Becoming offended is the biggest cause of a friendship breaking down. This is where tolerance and understanding becomes valuable. Best friends will know that lines will be crossed, however, crossing these lines helps understand each other better. We all cross lines, but best friends only cross them once! After that they do the learning and care enough to not repeat that same mistake again.

What was the biggest mistake you ever made with a best friend?

How did that work out?

Basil Simon

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2 comments on How To Be A Best Friend

  1. I like the pointers….wherever these are present in my relationships corresponds with these people being my friends, so it makes a lot of sense.

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