- Zionists declaring sanctions against Pink Floyd
- The Palestinian occupation strongly opposed by Roger Waters
- Gigs cancelled as Jewish finance is withdrawn to stifle free speech
Pink floyd have long stood out in my head as one of the most conscious bands ever to grace the face of our planet. So why are Israeli’s targeting Roger Waters as an anti Semite?
One of the co founders of legendary rock band Pink Floyd; Roger Waters, has gone on to be a true voice of sense, justice and vision in these crazy times we live in. He recently gave a very important interview to Sputnik’s news network. I do believe that their motto “telling the untold” is wonderfully at play by having the balls to do this interview with Roger. I have to say that Sputnik have earned my respect with this one. Visit them here for a very fresh news hit!
Roger Waters has taken a stand against what he describes as the “despicable” levels Zionists will stoop to in order to stop free speech & attempt to fool the civilised world into viewing the Palestinian occupation as something completely reasonable, and; that conscious people should just simply accept.
B.D.S (Boycott Diversity Sanctions)
His peaceful actions and decision to back the B.D.S (Boycott Diversity Sanctions) organisation, who are committed to exposing and boycotting companies intent on profiteering from the Zionist occupation, Has rendered him a target for sanctions himself. The Israeli occupation of Palestine has been deemed illegal under international law and Roger Waters has in fact travelled extensively throughout Gaza and the west bank in order to see for himself exactly what is going on there. He discovered an horrific situation far worse than anything we hear about in the west.
In taking this stand Roger is using his profile to highlight these injustices perpetrated against a people struggling to even receive their basic human rights.
As a result he has had gigs cancelled by promoters who rely on Jewish funding because they threatened to stop the money flowing if Roger Waters was to perform. It would seem that the Israeli government are very happy to use their financial muscle to stifle any hint of exposure of their oppression in Gaza and the West bank.
The Zionists are always ready to band about the term “anti semitism” against anyone who chooses to use free speech in opposition of their actions.
Roger Waters is no exception. Roger is clearly just attempting to help a people who are suffering unimaginable terror, hardship and oppression on a daily basis. He is not conducting “anti semitism” at all, he is conducting “positive awareness of an injustice”. It would not matter if this injustice was happening in Canada, Iceland, China or Outer Bolivia. Roger Waters would be just as vocal if an injustice on this scale was present and his natural direction enabled his attention.
Dont be fooled by the Zionist trumpet attempting to taint the moral reputation of Roger Waters. I urge you to support him as a true Pink Floyd fan and help in any way you can.
What Can You & I do?
This bit is quick and very easy.
- Download this PDF and make a note of the companies profiting from the oppression of Palestinians. I for one will be supporting Roger and the Palestinians by avoiding doing business with any of the companies listed. It can be as simple as deciding not to spend money with Hewlett Packard or Motorola. I cant change the past and it is unreasonable to dump my printer after already having bought it, but; I can definitely avoid buying from the same manufacturer again. Some of the names on this list might surprise you.
- Share this page with anyone you believe is either a Pink Floyd fan or who just have a good sense of right and wrong.
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